Mining projects:

The last two years (2015 – 2016) have marked our company as the majority of the sector by the investments of internal adaptations, in the chain of production and supplies, to the current norms on environment, due diligence, international traceability and certification of products . This has obviously been for current assets a decrease in favor of non-current assets and long-term profits.

The company ratios for these two consecutive years respectively were:

  • xxxxxx
  • xxxxxx

Collaborating companies:

Transportation, Insurance and Custody of products:
DHL Global Forwarding.
Freight In Time.

Alex Stewart International.
Alfred H. Knight.


In 2016, we launched the new line, in the strategy of diversification, remaining in the primary sector of natural resources, land exploitation, this time in AGRICULTURE.

We have chosen a country with very fertile land and diversified production among the countries of Central Africa for a pilot project that came out with greater success.

At present, the company is in the process of acquiring the lands that have been used for the pilots project, hundreds of hectares, and the implementation of the development activities of the agricultural project of industrial production, transformation, local distribution and international exports.